- All
- addiction
- addiction
- adverbials
- AI
- alcohol abuse
- alphabet
- An Inspector calls
- apex-v3
- apostrophes
- Artificial Intelligence
- banking
- black history month
- Blog
- brain function
- breathing techniques
- budgeting
- Case Studies
- champions of care
- Complex Care
- conjunction clauses
- conjunctions
- culture
- cyber security
- david haig
- digital citizen
- digital footprint
- drugs
- Drugs and addiction
- ED&I
- emotional intelligence
- emotions
- english
- English
- English
- english literature
- Enligh
- extracts
- fiction
- finances
- footer
- Footer menu
- French
- full stops
- German
- German
- growing up
- header
- health
- Health and Hygiene
- homophones
- homphones
- HyFlex School
- internet
- Ketamine
- key stage 1
- Key Stage 2
- key stage 3
- keystage 3
- ks 3
- KS1
- ks1
- ks2
- KS2
- KS2 Maths
- KS3
- ks3
- KS4
- language
- literacy
- literature
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths
- maths
- Maths
- Mental Health
- mental health
- mental health
- mental wellbeing
- mental wellbeing
- mentsral
- Menu 2024
- my boy jack
- News
- numbers
- online presence
- online safety
- oral
- oral hygiene
- our day out
- Pancakes
- parapgraphs
- place and number value
- place value
- plays
- playwright
- playwrights
- poetry
- popup
- prefixes
- pronoun
- pronouns
- proof reading
- proofing
- ptsd
- puberty
- Recipes
- Relationships and Behaviours
- Resources
- safeguarding
- search-results
- self care
- selfcare
- Sequences
- sexting
- shakespeare
- single-page
- single-post
- smoking
- social media
- speakespeare
- spelling
- spending
- substance
- suffixes
- teenagers
- therapy
- tobacco
- Training
- trauma
- trauma
- vocab
- Wellbeing
- Welsh Beginner Lessons
- willy russell
- Workplace Training
- workshops
- world war 1
- world war one
- writing
- WW1
24th October 2023
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In the lessons for structure and language, students will learn how writers use opening paragraphs and introductions effectively to orient ...
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