This course will focus on spelling, for stage 1, Key Stage 2 English. There are 5 lessons within this course, each with tasks, interactive games and quizzes throughout, and a quiz at the end of the course. You can also download the learning materials for activities.
You must click ‘Start’ to be enrolled on the course and will receive a certificate upon completion of the final quiz, which has a 60% pass mark. You can find all of your certificates on your dashboard.
How it works
Go through each lesson one by one. If you are logged in you can view the lessons but you can only view your progress and take the final assessment if you have enrolled and pressed start. Each lesson is in bite size chunks, with interactive quizzes, games and downloadable worksheets throughout. To view the lessons, click on curriculum, to view all the downloadable and printable materials click materials.
Welcome to our stage 1, spelling lessons. Within these lesson you will:
- used further prefixes and suffixes
- spell further homophones
- spell common exception words
- place the possessive apostrophe accurately
- check spelling in a dictionary
Each lesson has interactive elements to help you learn better whether you learn best visually, by listening or doing, with a quiz at the end of each lesson.
- 1 Section
- 5 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Lessons5