PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education equips students with knowledge and skills to thrive as individuals, family members and citizens.

Our teacher resources empower impactful lessons around mental health, relationships, body safety, digital literacy, environmental conservation, nutrition, drug education, economic participation and other tools for self-awareness and responsible community contribution. With an array of adaptable presentations, worksheets and interactive activities, PSHE instruction can sensitively tackle developmentally appropriate challenges facing youth.

Whether supplementing an official curriculum or enriching home schooling, ensuring positive PSHE learning outcomes launches life journeys centered on health, responsibility and compassion.

We have created our very own life skills booklet with step by step guide to progressing young people into independent adults, that you  can download here.

Healthy Relationships

Substances and Addiction

Cyber Security

Health & Hygeine

Finance and Budgeting

Careers and Independent Living